Physical Assault


Robbery and assault are serious crimes. Money is often the motivation. These incidents are crimes of violence because they involve the threat or actual use of physical violence. The basic rules of prevention are to be sensible and alert.

Self defense measures are most effective and include running away, hiding, screaming, and raising an alarm.  More people will respond to someone yelling "Fire" than they will to "Help!"”

The most serious assaults are known as "aggravated assaults," "assaults with a deadly weapon," or "assaults with intent to kill." 

 Less serious offenses are called "simple assaults." In many cases, simple assaults turn into more serious assaults or even homicides, if the initial argument or fight is not scaled back or resolved quickly.

Approximately 55 million people are involved in violent crimes every year and only 12% received assistance from a victim service agency.

Know help is available.  Call 9-1-1 if you are in immediate danger.  Online resources such as the Office for Victims of Crime provide a listing of services available.

Course: Understanding Personal Safety
Part: 1 of 11
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