Eating disorders are classified as a group of conditions in which individuals display abnormal eating habits, either consuming too much or too little food, eventually leading to a point at which their lives and well-being are negatively impacted. 

In general, these individuals are totally preoccupied with their body image and the consumption of food.

Three recurring types of eating disorders in the United States are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder.

- Characterized by the refusal to eat food and an inability to maintain healthy body weight due to a distorted perspective of self-image. The highest prevalence is seen in women, ages 12-25.

- An eating disorder in which individuals secretly binge (eat excessive amounts of food) and then purge (ridding their bodies of what they have just eaten). Purging may include vomiting, excessive exercise, or improper use of laxatives.

Binge Eating Disorder
- Characterized by repeated episodes of binge eating similar to bulimia. Individuals ingest very large amounts of food over a short period of time, often feeling a lack of control during episodes.

Course: Understanding Eating Disorders
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