Spring 2016  

Spring 2016 Highlights

  • Fitbit Integration

  • Fitbit Winners

  • New Personal Safety Educational Video

Kevin Saremi & CHD
Kim Lee, V.P. at the Center for Human Development receives a contribution from FutureHealth president, Kevin Saremi, to help support CHD?s effort to provide critical and mental health services in the community.

Fitbit® has been integrated into FutureHealth

FutureHealth's updated health and wellness program now integrates directly with FitBit?. Each Quarter FutureHealth
will give away Fitbit? devices to FutureHealth members
who have completed the health and wellness program and earned the highest number of points!

1st Quarter Fitbit? Winners

Congratulations to our 2016 1st Quarter winners!

          Jean Langevin from Maybury Handling
          Shannon Biagi from Florida Institute of Technology

By completing the exams and goals you can earn hearts and become our next Fitbit winner.
Log onto www.myFutureHealth.com.

FutureHealth has just completed a new video on Personal Safety, which will be included in our online courses. You may also purchase it separately as a
gift or add it your FutureHealth library.

FutureHealth?s Personal Safety video contains true personal stories of people who?ve struggled with:
  • Physical and Sexual Assaults
  • Cyberbullying, Social Media, and Internet Safety
  • Identity Theft and More
It?s important to understand that victims are not to blame. Awareness is crucial for your safety.

Q: Will the video have suggestions on how to stay safe
A: Yes, the personal safety video provides an insert with suggestions.

Q: Does the video have resources
A:? Yes, we provide links for cyber bullying, identity theft, legal, financial and psychological recourses.

Q: Is the video appropriate to watch as a family
A: Yes, but we do realize that all kids grow and mature differently and suggest that you preview it prior to younger children watching it.
www.myFutureHealth.com 2073 Roosevelt Ave., Springfield, MA 01104??855-681-4141