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Future Health

Seasonal Allergies

May 13, 2021 

The term “allergy” encompasses a wide range of conditions. An allergy occurs when the body’s immune system becomes hyperreactive to a substance called an allergen. Exposure may occur when the allergen is inhaled, swallowed, injected or comes in contact with the eyes, airways or skin. The severity of allergens can range from minor to life threatening.

Common allergens include:

  • mold spores growing in damp spaces
  • house dust mites
  • grass and tree pollen
  • pet hair or skin flakes
  • food allergens, mainly from nuts, fish and shellfish, soy and eggs

Skin allergens or contact allergen include:

  • latex
  • nickel
  • rubber
  • preservatives
  • dyes like hair dyes

While majority of people experience seasonal allergies during the spring and summer, there are a lot that always must be aware of more severe allergies. Here are some sever allergies to be aware of:

  • Peanut or nut
  • Shellfish
  • Dairy
  • Bee stings

Depending on how severe the reaction is, an EpiPen (epinephrine) maybe required to stop anaphylaxis.

The best way to manage allergies is to prevent it, by avoiding possible or proven allergens.

  • Cleaning your house or dorm to get rid of dust mites and fungal spores
  • Keeping the windows closed in pollen season
  • Dehumidify the air to prevent the accumulation of mold
  • Reduce outside exposure, go outside after a good rain

There is not a way to avoid the effects of allergies 100%, so when they are triggered here are some ways to control the effects.

  • Oral antihistamines
  • Decongestants
  • Nasal sprays to rinse your sinuses

If none of these, in combination with taking preventative steps work, then speak to you doctor. There are several other treatments are available.