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Future Health

Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month

April 1, 2019 

Did you know that every 92 seconds an American is sexually assaulted? Shocking to you as much as it was to me? 54% of victims are age 18 – 34. These numbers are startling.  How do we prevent this from happening? The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) is an organization dedicated to awareness and prevention education. There are several tips and strategies that can help in avoiding an assault or even rape. 


C.A.R.E”, the 4 steps of preventing an assault.

“C” create a distraction.  Create a distraction to interrupt the situation.

“A” ask directly.  Talk directly to the person who might be in trouble.

“R” refer to an authority. Speak to someone of authority such as your RA, bartender, security guard, or call 911.

“E” enlist others. Power can be in numbers. Bring a friend with you to speak with the person at risk. Sometimes this could be just enough of a distraction.



Here are some other tips for staying safe while on campus.

  1. Walking or jogging on Campus
    1. Hold your head up and walk confidently
    2. Be Assertive
    3. Call 911 or scream “Fire”
    4. Trust you “Gut”
    5. Use campus emergency call boxes or the campus police
  2. In your car
    1. Avoid parking in lots that are dark
    2. Park close to the building you’re going to
    3. Try to walk in groups
    4. Keep your doors locked
  3. At the Dorm or apartment
    1. always Keep your doors locked
    2. keep your window curtains closed at night
    3. do not open your door to strangers, if they need assistance offer to call 911 or campus police for them
    4. do not hide spare keys in common places
  4. on a Date
    1. Do not leave your drinks unattended or accept a drink from someone you do not know or are comfortable with
    2. Stick together – if 1 goes to the bathroom then we all go to the bathroom”
    3. Limit how much alcohol you drink and always remember that “Date Rape” drugs are odorless and tasteless.

Just taking these small steps and precautions can prevent something horrific from potentially happening. For more information you can visit .